A Gem from Grandma #3
Training our Children My gem this month is taken from the book of Proverbs. These proverbs were written by King Solomon who was noted for his wisdom. They are written from his...
Training our Children My gem this month is taken from the book of Proverbs. These proverbs were written by King Solomon who was noted for his wisdom. They are written from his...
Marriage: The greatest gift a parent can give to his/her children is to love their spouse. I love having deep and meaningful conversations individually with my sons, each of whom are now...
From Depending on us, to depending on HIM We were living in a caravan in the grounds of the Queensland Baptist Theological College at West End when our first child was born...
Here is a downloadable reminder to print and keep where you can see it every morning: 4-DailyDownload Also be sure to listen to my podcast with lots of helpful thoughts and ideas...
This is a guest article by Jenna Sherman from parent-leaders.com Nurturing leadership qualities in children from a young age is an invaluable gift that parents can provide. Leadership skills are not just...
New Year's Resolutions? Those things we list enthusiastically for ourselves every year: Exercise every day Lose weight Read 20 books Be more organised Meal plan Get to bed on time Be more...
Christmas Day with young children usually means a LOT more toys to add to the collection. In our case, we didn't buy our children toys throughout the year, but saved up to...
Yes They can! Choose rest this Christmas, and cultivate more JOY. There is no need for me to describe what many of us experience in the Christmas season - a lot of...
Become a better communicator In my post https://therefinedmother.com/overcome-overwhelm-the-first-step/, I mentioned some areas we can look at to help overcome the overwhelmed feeling we so often have as wives and mothers. One of...
by Brookelynne I used to struggle almost daily with anxiety. Anxiety driven by a fear of failure to be “good”. I felt that I needed to be seen as perfect. Perfect wife,...